Wednesday 15 June 2016


THE rank of unemployed Nigerians has swollen as over 3500 bank workers have been shown the way out within the first quarter of this year. According to the various bank managements, the recent personnel cut is aimed at cutting costs, shoring up performance, opening opportunities for new hands and enhancing service delivery.Since the completion of business combination between Access Bank and Intercontinental Bank; Ecobank and Oceanic Bank International; First City Monument Bank (FCMB) and Finbank; with the emergence of Access Bank, Ecobank and FCMB as core investors having consumed the three others, thousand of workers in the sector have been laid off.The conclusion of the mergers marked the end of recapitalization process, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi embarked upon since August 2009. Within the last few days, Nigerians have been inundated with reports of retrenchment in the nation’s banking sector. While Access Bank sacked 1,110 in January, Ecobank relieved over 1,850 of their jobs. Similarly, Enterprise Bank offered 140 staff whose performance fell below the satisfactory level an option to resign or be thrown out. Perhaps, this is  blessing in disguise. This is the time to look inwards and perhaps become CEOs. We have too many challenges that are begging for Solutions. In am not making jest of anyone. Perhaps, it is time to chase that dream, go on that vacation, go back to school, pursue your passion. Every misfortune is a blessing in disguise.Meanwhile, the ongoing mass sack in the nation’s banking sector has thrown the industry and Nigeria as a whole into a worse situation than it has faced, following the level of unemployment in the country, as most job seekers are by this reform worried about applying for jobs in the banking sector.Angered by the disengagement of staff, who were already out of the row of job seekers, many youths in the state have lamented the unfortunate reforms process that has added more ‘salt to injury’ and called on government’s immediate intervention in ensuring that the welfare of citizens are adequately taken care of, as no government would prefer to fold its arms and allow injustices being meted out on its citizens.

Have you done the #TheGBNChallenge today?


Wednesday 8 June 2016


It is time to be grateful in Nigeria. We have been through a lot. I mean if other countries were to go through what we are going through, they would probably be extinct.I saw this challenge online and i thought it was fantastic. We should try it too.

Dear People,
Day by day from power outage, bad road condition to fuel scarcity; we are faced with almost everything and everyone speaking negatively about Nigeria.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue and if everything is speaking negatively we can speak positivity into being.I appeal to you, let's fill the airwaves, social media and everywhere with positive declarations and blessing over Nigeria. I Invite you to take ‪#‎TheGodBlessNigeriaChallenge‬. It's simple.For the next seven days, boldly declare one thing you desire of a better Nigeria on every social media platform, tag at least seven friends per day and urge them to take the challenge too. Also make a deliberate conscious effort to say God Bless Nigeria seven times a day.
When you spend long hours in traffic rather than complain just say‪#‎GodBlessNigeria‬.
When you run out of fuel just say #GodBlessNigeria..
When you think about the unstable economy, exchange rate instability and all.. just say #GodBlessNigeria..
When 'PCHN takes your light' (Power Outage is oyinbo grammar lol).. Just stay #GodBlessNigeria.
Whenever anyone one comes to you to gist you or complain about anything concerning Nigeria, just say #GodBlessNigeria
When you hear all sorts about Nigeria on every media particularly those in the diaspora, just declare #GodBlessNigeria
I know it's a tough one and that's why it's called ‪#‎TheGBNChallenge‬ and i know you are upto the task
Remember America became great because for centuries everyone kept declaring 'God bless America'
Please use the ash tag #GodBlessNigeria and #TheGBNChallenge for all your social media daily posts
I start my day one..

I declare a corruption free Nigeria #GodBlessNigeria #TheGBNChallenge


Friday 3 June 2016


This is a primary health centre in Doka Village Nassarawa
Nigeria is Africa's biggest economy yet government spend on the health sector is low.15 years ago, the government promised to allocate 15% of its budget to the health sector. Currently, they allocate only 4.3%. Yet, everyday, 2000 Nigerian children and 158 women die because of poor access to basic health care. It is disheartening to know that we do not have adequate and well equipped medical centres for a large population as that of our dear country Nigeria. We just do not regard human life here.The change we seek for first starts with us. You go to the so called government hospitals and you get the worse care ever. The irony of this is that you should get the best care in such hospitals. Sometimes you do not have light, basic equipment are not in place, drugs are not provide. Its safe to say some hospitals are mortuaries. Sometimes, all a patient needs is some nurse smiling at you and you get well faster. You have people who until you bribe them; they dont work. I can recount the experience of one of my colleagues whose mother was in a certain government hospital at a time.My Gosh, her experience was horrible. The morale she said in the hospital was what contributed to her passing on (May her soul rest in peace). People were not just ready to work. Even if they were, they were bribed. Someone can be dead for days and they just for some reason refuse to carry the person. I can go on and on.No LIFE I mean no LIFE is superior to the other. Good Health Care is a myth right now in Nigeria and even if such exists, you pay through your nose. This is even worse in the rural areas. Some cannot even get to the primary health centers,some have to walk miles before care is given. It is only God that saves the poor in this country. Some more issues with our healthcare system include:
Same description with the picture above

  • The structure of the healthcare system is poorly developed. This has caused it to suffer major setbacks, more especially at the local government levels.
  • There is also no adequate surveillance of the system to check its effectiveness.
  • Low Morale by government doctors. The system is suffering a major challenge as a result of low morale by government doctors. The doctors are majorly protesting over meager pay. The low morale is leading to low quality of medical service offered.
  • While the system has done a lot to include many citizens in the insurance scheme, there are still many citizens who are not insured. This is considered to be a major setback for the healthcare system in Nigeria.

Still, the health indicators in Nigeria have remained below internationally-set benchmarks. At the moment the health sector in Nigeria is characterized by a lack of effective stewardship role of government, disjointed health service delivery, weak health infrastructure, insufficient and inefficient financing, and mal-distribution of health work force among key players.

All Images were taken from NAIJ.COM


Thursday 2 June 2016


On December 5 2013, we lost a rare gem. One of the true leaders of our time.He fought apartheid with his last blood.According to Myles Munroe "True leadership must always lead to change". This he achieved in his life time and probably a life well spent. Where is the Nelson Mandela of Nigeria. Sam Adeyemi also quoted similar opinion They need to develop vision; not only to see the country the way it is but the way it should be. They need to have a picture of a developed Nigeria and transfer the picture into the minds of the citizenry. Where there is no vision the people perish. We need to have the Nigeria of our dream ”. Some of the attributes of true leadership is:

Selflessness: Leadership is a position to serve not to be served. You are in that position to amass wealth for yourself.Leadership is all about service, passion and compassion for people. True leadership must be combined with competence and character.

Self-assessment: Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my areas of weakness, and what do I dislike doing?”

Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human.

Sharp perception: Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and their peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perception of you can be as simple as observing their behavior. Are your co-workers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room?

If you really want to know what people think, just ask them
. You may receive feedback that you’re not listening or showing appreciation as well as you could be. If you’ve established an environment of honest and open communication, you should be able to ask about your good qualities and the areas you need to improve on. Your staff will appreciate your effort.

Responsive to the group’s needs: Being perceptive can also help a leader be more effective in knowing the needs of the team. Some teams value trust over creativity; others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer. Building a strong team is easier when you know the values and goals of each individual, as well as what they need from you as their leader.

Knowing the organization: Effective leaders know the organization’s overall purpose and goals, and the agreed-upon strategies to achieve these goals; they also know how their team fits into the big picture, and the part they play in helping the organization grow and thrive. Full knowledge of your organization – inside and out – is vital to becoming an effective leader.