Thursday 2 June 2016


On December 5 2013, we lost a rare gem. One of the true leaders of our time.He fought apartheid with his last blood.According to Myles Munroe "True leadership must always lead to change". This he achieved in his life time and probably a life well spent. Where is the Nelson Mandela of Nigeria. Sam Adeyemi also quoted similar opinion They need to develop vision; not only to see the country the way it is but the way it should be. They need to have a picture of a developed Nigeria and transfer the picture into the minds of the citizenry. Where there is no vision the people perish. We need to have the Nigeria of our dream ”. Some of the attributes of true leadership is:

Selflessness: Leadership is a position to serve not to be served. You are in that position to amass wealth for yourself.Leadership is all about service, passion and compassion for people. True leadership must be combined with competence and character.

Self-assessment: Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my areas of weakness, and what do I dislike doing?”

Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human.

Sharp perception: Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and their peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perception of you can be as simple as observing their behavior. Are your co-workers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room?

If you really want to know what people think, just ask them
. You may receive feedback that you’re not listening or showing appreciation as well as you could be. If you’ve established an environment of honest and open communication, you should be able to ask about your good qualities and the areas you need to improve on. Your staff will appreciate your effort.

Responsive to the group’s needs: Being perceptive can also help a leader be more effective in knowing the needs of the team. Some teams value trust over creativity; others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer. Building a strong team is easier when you know the values and goals of each individual, as well as what they need from you as their leader.

Knowing the organization: Effective leaders know the organization’s overall purpose and goals, and the agreed-upon strategies to achieve these goals; they also know how their team fits into the big picture, and the part they play in helping the organization grow and thrive. Full knowledge of your organization – inside and out – is vital to becoming an effective leader.


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