Thursday 21 April 2016


I love Naija, No be lie. Hmmmm.. I really do not want to concentrate on the Saraki Saga, Fuel Crisis, Budget passage etc. I know it is very hard to be thankful for things especially during this time. But trust me Nigeria could have been worse than this if God had not been on our side. The Bible says we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem for those that love it. As much as possible, this blog is set to bring out the positive sidea of Nigeria and how we can better ourselves to be a positive influence on others.

Love God.Love Nigeria.Pray for us.We really need prayers.i think am really out of words for today.

Just before i leave the page.who has been feeling this heat of late? I have something about electricity to talk about. Nigeria wastes about $7billion in gas flaring.This is enough to power Africa.


Friday 15 April 2016


Hi Guys. Hmm what can i say? It is the 15th day of April. I think this year is taking a 440. ah ah Kilode (WHAT IS IT?). Am sure we started the year with a lot of TO-Dos, I will take coke just once a year, i will exercise 30 minutes a day, I will start a blog .. and the list goes on and on. How many of these have been achieved so far? The first quarter of 2016 is GONE FOREVER In case you have not noticed. That is not to say however that you cannot achieve the things on your set goals if you put your mind to it.

Identify Your Goals

Before you go running off to measure your goals, take a minute to determine whether you can actually articulate what your goals are. I have covered this before, but your goals need to be sufficiently defined so that assigning measurable units to them has actual significance. The goal that’s been on my mind most recently is to keep my house clean. Sounds noble and hygienic, right? But there’s a reason that the “have a clean house” goal has been ever-elusive in my life — it’s not clearly articulated. What does a clean house mean? The bed made every day? All dishes always off the counter? No visible scuffs on the kitchen floor? You see what I mean.

Assign Each Goal a Measurable Unit
This might seem obvious, but it’s impossible to measure your goals if they aren’t framed in terms of a measurable unit. Every goal needs to be assigned both a measurable unit (to quantify success) and a unit of time (against which you’ll measure your success). Units of time can be terminal (a “one-time deal”), or they can be recurring. An example of a recurring unit of time goal might be helpful here. Take my clean house example, for instance — I’d first define what a clean house means to me. I might say, perchance, that a clean house is one that is dusted, vacuumed, and mopped. I would make a “chore chart” with all the key chores I felt amounted to a clean house. Then, I would assign a unit of time. I’m not overly zealous here, so let’s go with two weeks. I would know that hitting each of the tasks on my list (or 75% of them, or whatever I deemed a success) in the two-week time period would mean that I’d reached my goal. Two weeks later, I’d measure again.
Keep Up With Them
It is easier said than done. So its easy to quickly forget those goals especially if they are not written down. It is advisable to get back to them from time to time and tick off the achieved. Nobody is saying you must achieve all. As the Bible says, Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is only the counsel of the Lord that shall stand Prov 19:21. 


Wednesday 6 April 2016


It will be great injustice if this blog is about all things Nigeria and i do not talk about the persistent long fuel queue at petrol stations. So the cycle starts this way. Be on the queue a day before.Probably even pack overnight or sleep in the vehicle and you may still be going to work. This is the irony of my dear Country. We have the raw product but never sought to develop it. Sometimes, I ask myself what could really be the problem with the black race? Will this have happened in the hands of the White Men? Is our problem more spiritual than lack of common sense? and of course, Trust Nigerians the most impatient people i know. already regretting what they voted change into Power. Our short mindedness allows block the ray of hope. Just like a woman in labour. the time when the pain is the hardest is when the baby is about to come.Just like a popular song writer in Nigeria once sang "Suffering & Smiling" In the words of Ibe Kachikwu “Hopefully by tomorrow (today) and Thursday, the fuel queues in Abuja should be over. Hopefully, the same thing will happen in Lagos, and thereafter by the weekend, we should see Kano, Katsina, Sokoto, Port Harcourt and Warri get off the queue list.”With these words yesterday, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, reassured the nation that the lingering fuel scarcity would be a forgotten hardship by the end of the week.An indication that the minister’s promise may come to pass was that a stock of 320 million litres of petrol was being distributed across the country yesterday."

Well this is good news. However, how long will his last. What long-term plans do we have in place. To stop queues from recurring, Kachikwu explained that Nigeria must bring back strategic reserves that could host between 60 and 90 days sufficiency. “First is the fact that our strategic reserve has not been in place in this country for over 20 years. We need to bring back strategic reserve that is between 60 and 90 days sufficiency so that we can restore fully whenever there is shortage in any part of the country. We also need to find an allocation of resources because, for the first time, I have been able to convince oil majors to allocate forex to the downstream players when they bring in products,” he said.

I pray that all those that have good intentions for this country will see it come to pass but those that think otherwise,hmmmmmm......


Friday 1 April 2016


My people. Happy Easter in Arrears. Mine was great. I got to bond with my son which was fantastic. There are lot of awkward things people do not like to talk about.Some of which may include sex, prosperity,etc This discussion today was informed by a friend who lost her mum. Death is one event that most people plan for. I mean it can happen to the young,middle aged or old. The prayer though is that we will die at old age.However awkward this discussion may be. I want to give some insights on how  we can prepare for this eventual event if God tarries and manage it as well. Am not a death expert and its not like everything i list out on here is the procedure to follow. This life is not that hard. The longest any man lived is 969. This cannot be compared to eternity that has no end.

Firstly, Forgive Quickly. Forgiveness is one process that keeps your mind  and conscience clear. This one can be challenging for the many of us who have been wronged and/or who have experienced traumas perpetrated by other people in our lives. Jimmy Ohm always says, “forgiveness does not mean that what happened was ok, it just means you no longer want to carry the pain.” When we hold on to anger, resentment and fear towards people, they are actually occupying a space inside of us, blocking us from feeling truly happy and fulfilled. Then  Love Easily. This can truly and deeply be does if you know Christ. The Bible says how can you love me if you do not love the people you see(paraphrased). Because left to the flesh, it wants to envy, kill, be wicked to others especially when they have done things to hurt us. Don't forget to Always Be Grateful. No matter where they are or what they are doing, happy people recognize that they always have something to be grateful for. Research in the field of Positive Psychology has shown that people who practice gratitude are happier, less stressed and less depressed! Happy people can easily find gratitude in the world around them, whether they are looking at the cracks in the pavement in the concrete jungle or the sun setting over the ocean. It is possible to find gratitude even in smallest of things, like a delicious meal, a good book, a challenging yoga class, or a smile from a stranger on the street.
Each of us has a choice on how we focus our attention. Choosing to focus on gratitude for the beauty and uniqueness of life instead the stressors and problems will make you feel happier and more relaxed.

No matter what you amount to in this life, we have just a few days to live. Don't forget that Death is sure and there is an after life.