Friday 1 April 2016


My people. Happy Easter in Arrears. Mine was great. I got to bond with my son which was fantastic. There are lot of awkward things people do not like to talk about.Some of which may include sex, prosperity,etc This discussion today was informed by a friend who lost her mum. Death is one event that most people plan for. I mean it can happen to the young,middle aged or old. The prayer though is that we will die at old age.However awkward this discussion may be. I want to give some insights on how  we can prepare for this eventual event if God tarries and manage it as well. Am not a death expert and its not like everything i list out on here is the procedure to follow. This life is not that hard. The longest any man lived is 969. This cannot be compared to eternity that has no end.

Firstly, Forgive Quickly. Forgiveness is one process that keeps your mind  and conscience clear. This one can be challenging for the many of us who have been wronged and/or who have experienced traumas perpetrated by other people in our lives. Jimmy Ohm always says, “forgiveness does not mean that what happened was ok, it just means you no longer want to carry the pain.” When we hold on to anger, resentment and fear towards people, they are actually occupying a space inside of us, blocking us from feeling truly happy and fulfilled. Then  Love Easily. This can truly and deeply be does if you know Christ. The Bible says how can you love me if you do not love the people you see(paraphrased). Because left to the flesh, it wants to envy, kill, be wicked to others especially when they have done things to hurt us. Don't forget to Always Be Grateful. No matter where they are or what they are doing, happy people recognize that they always have something to be grateful for. Research in the field of Positive Psychology has shown that people who practice gratitude are happier, less stressed and less depressed! Happy people can easily find gratitude in the world around them, whether they are looking at the cracks in the pavement in the concrete jungle or the sun setting over the ocean. It is possible to find gratitude even in smallest of things, like a delicious meal, a good book, a challenging yoga class, or a smile from a stranger on the street.
Each of us has a choice on how we focus our attention. Choosing to focus on gratitude for the beauty and uniqueness of life instead the stressors and problems will make you feel happier and more relaxed.

No matter what you amount to in this life, we have just a few days to live. Don't forget that Death is sure and there is an after life.


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