Wednesday 25 May 2016


From when children are very small they learn a  lot from us. At a stage in their lives, they imitate everything and anything we do.I am presently reading a book on the 14 secrets to better parenting by Dave Earley. He reiterates the Bible's stance found in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go so that when he is old, he will not depart from it". I think a lot of people have missed it because they have left God out of the Equation. The manual of your child's life is contained in the Bible.In as much as i do not want to sound overly spiritual, there is no denying that God is needed to raise up children.It requires wisdom and God is the true source of it.There are of course a thousand and one ways to raise a child but if we want Godly seeds after we are gone, here are a few ways to gotten from the book 14 secrets to better parenting:

1.Teach them to take Gods Word seriously. Prov 2:1-5. As a parent, we must act as role models for our children, monitor their Growth and encourage them when they feel weak. The way we treat Gods Word is the way God feels treated because he and his Word are one.For example, you can put a memory verse in their Lunch Box daily and tell them to recite to you when they are back. Also, while preparing dinner, you can teach your young one about the names of God and the meaning.Above all, teach them to apply the scriptures.

2.Lead them to know God personally.Prov 9:10. The Bible says "with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" . The greatest privilege is to lead them to know God for themselves. You will not be with them 24 hours of the day.It is want they have on the inside that will come forth during the days of trail.Not only should they know him personally, you should also monitor their growth.

3.Show them how to work Uprightly. Prov 16:6: Unconsciously, we always communicate to our children that the reward for wrong doing is punishment. This is not true. In as much as the punishment is part of it. Teach them that it is God that should be feared. teach them that there is a God in heaven even when mummy and daddy are not there sees all and records all our doings whether it be god or bad.It is the dreading of  sin itself and not just the punishment.

4.Guide them to humility. Prov 22:4: As much we teach them the right things, once in a while, they may err. You have to correct them in Love even when this happens. The Bible says  "the meek will he teach his ways. Humility comes when we put God as the center of our lives. We must not treat our kids as the center of the universe because only God deserves such accolade.

5.Teach them to respect authority Romans 13:1-7: Whether this be of God or man; teach them respect.If i cannot get my children to respect me they can see, how will they respect God they cannot see. We need to help our children respect all levels of human authority including parental,civic, vocational and spiritual authorities.

This piece is not just for those who just have kids biologically. You can find someone to mentor and impart. It never too late or too early to start implementing biblical parenting secrets. Why not start now? If we invest in our children now, The future generation will have to show for it.


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