Thursday 10 March 2016


Football is a sport very close to my heart. Gosh!. and it can be painful too. Let me borrow the words used in Basketball.....I love this game. I have never played football and i have no intention of playing. But i think i have watched the game long enough to know a little bit about it. Since am all about life lessons like you have, Here are some life lessons from football. For the record though  I am Man U by choice Barcelona by marriage and Leister City for the win(2015/2016 SEASON..LOL).

1. Have A Coach: Every football team must have a coach, at times an assistant coach. The coach knows your strength and weakness. In a football game, there are defenders, strikers, mid fielders, etc. The coach knows knows where best to put you. It is important to have a coach in life. However controversial, the best footballer in the world Messi in my opinion,imagine if he was a defender, am sure he would be as recognized as he is now because that is not his role.

2 Talent is not Enough: You need to work hard.You need to practice, because it makes perfect. Someone once said "For you to be a master in something, you have have put 1000 hours" This is like a month and few days. Success is hard work. What separates those that excel is the amount of hard work plus their talent they put in.

3. You Can Only Claim Victory If You Have Fought: I cannot remember the Treble winners of last season (Barcelona) not playing other teams to claim such title. There has to be a fight before you can claim victory.So sometimes, when you are going through a tough period, just remember it is just a phase and at the end of the day, you will come out tops. Victory is only guaranteed when you have fought a battle.

4.Practice Makes Perfect: Football requires practice. They lift weights, run sprints, and we practice until our legs wobble. And because of that practice, we improve. Many people have goals in life but don't know how to reach them. They search for quick answers on the internet and attempt to avoid the part where they pay their dues. Football teaches how to put in time and learn to improve skills incrementally.

5.You cannot do It All: This is where team work comes in. You cannot be at the same time the defender, striker, and mid-fielder. It is all a team effort. Do your best in your own part and the others too will do their best. Your own weakness is someone else's strength and vice versa.Every player has his own unique talents. Some are blessed with speed, some agility, others with strength. The list goes on. 

6. You may lose sometimes: This is very essential to know. It is essential we teach this to our kids when they are small. You may not win every time. This is an unavoidable fact. This just gives an opportunity to learn and prepare for the next season with an intention to win.

7.Success Is Hard To Maintain: Once you have attained a certain height of success, a lot is expected from you. The least is to maintain it. We have a lot of expectation from Barcelona Club. As I mentioned earlier, Barcelona were treble winners of last season. As they say, to whom much is given, much is expected.

8. Nothing Lasts Forever: No better way to explain this but the winner of  BPL 2014/2015 season was Chelsea. We are going to have a new winner this year.Planning for the future and learning from the past are important skills to have. Most times in the next season it is the same team but some have left, new ones are joining and you just have to adapt to such changes. Your success is determined in that moment which will soon be gone too.


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