Friday 11 March 2016


1. If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then lefties are the only ones in their right     mind.

2. Q: What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it? 
     A: Envelope.

3.  Brunette: "Where were you born?" 
     Blonde: "The United States." 
     Brunette: "Which part?" 
     Blonde: "My whole body."
Q: What is the tallest building in the entire world? A: The library, because it has so many stories.

5. At the doctor's office, Tom was getting a check up. "I have good news and bad news," says the doctor. "The good  news is you have 24 hours left to live." Tom replies, "That's the good news?!" Then the doctor says, "The bad news is I should have told you that yesterday."

6.If Mary had Jesus, and Jesus is the lamb of God, does that mean Mary had a little lamb?

7.Q: What nails do carpenters hate to hit? 
   A: Fingernails.

8.Q: Why is England the wettest country? 
    A: Because so many kings and queens have been reigning there.


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