Tuesday 17 May 2016


It is no longer news that Barcelona is the crowned King of  Spain.Whoop whoop. Ok am just a Barcelona fan by marriage but i want to share something i have learnt. Just like the main aim of venturing into a competition is to earn a trophy or even win cash. Am sure this is at the back of every coach's mind and even every player at that. You must take it one match at a time. Win every match and you will find yourself at the top just like in the case of  football. Each match presents it own challenges and opportunities.

1.Plan: As the cliche says "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". You must prepare and prepare hard  Diego Simeone says : Play like you have  a knife to your teeth. Give it every thing you got. Go through past matches, learn from your mistakes. Do whatever works for your team.

2. Focus On The Present:Yes you may have lost  several matches, you may even be up for relegation.When athletes allow their focus of concentration to jump ahead to the future, or drift back to the past, the result is always an increase in their nervousness. If you want to stay cool and calm in the clutch, then you have to train yourself to keep your focus in the NOW — especially during your games, matches or races! This means that leading up to the performance, you don’t want to think about and focus on the upcoming competition and its importance. If you want to play loose and relaxed, you must learn to keep your concentration in the now. When you’re in the action, you want to focus on one present-moment play at a time.

3. A Game Is Won In The Mind First:When today’s game is over, start preparing mentally for next week’s match-up. Mental preparation for a football game includes skills such as visualizing success, eliminating distractions, improving your mental toughness, and staying positive.

4 Relax:Performing your best under pressure means that you have to be having fun. Fun is the secret ingredient to staying calm and doing your best when the heat of competition is turned up high. If you make a game, match or race too important, if you put too much pressure on yourself, if you get too serious, then you’ll start getting nervous and your game will do a major disappearing act. When fun goes, so too will all of your game skills. If you really want to perform well, then you have to get into the game, enjoy the tournament, embrace the challenge from a tough opponent, have fun with your friends before, during and after the game!


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