Monday 23 May 2016


Ouch! but that is the bitter truth.Taking a look at Nigeria, you will notice that we are the cause of our woes. What do i mean by this?Corruption starts from us. If the Civil servant refuses to collect bribe, nobody will be able to give it.Corruption still thrives because we have individuals or groups are still promoting it. All of a sudden, the Chibok girls are getting free. In as much as this is an answer to our prayers. But i think of it this way. The sponsor(s) of Boko Haram do not have money to steal from the government any longer to supply food stuffs for the girls.In turn, they captors can no longer cope therefore, they are churning them out gradually. That is just my thought though.Below are some of the ways i think we can curb corruption together.

1.The first tool is ‘education’. With the help of education we can reduce corruption. Look at the last election conducted in March 2015. We had some politicians giving out food stuff, irons, etc.If those people were educated, they will not sell their votes because of a bag of rice that will finish in a year at the most.Those who are uneducated do not know about the process, provisions and procedures through which they can get justice. Corrupt public servants try to make fool of them and often demands for bribe. It is due to unawareness in the field of law, public rights and procedures thereof that a common and an uneducated suffer out of the corrupt society. This suggests that if we are educated, we can understand our rights well.

2.We need to change the government processes. If the members of the governing body are government officials, there will certainly be less reports of the criminal cases. The reverse may be possible only when there are no more criminal politician in our government. The provision is that, if there is any case filed against a person then he would not be eligible for election. But if we see hundred politicians then about sixty percent of them would be criminal in nature. If these criminal politicians command us and make laws, what types of law would be formed, we can guess! Thus during election, we should keep in mind the person for whom we shall not vote.

3.We can reduce corruption by increasing direct contact between government and the governed. E-governance could help a lot towards this direction. In a conference on, “Effects of Good Governance and Human Rights” organized by  National Human Right Commission, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam gave an example of Delhi metro rail system and online railway reservation as good governance and said that all the lower courts should follow the explanation of the Supreme Court and High Court and make the judgments online. Similarly, Sivraj Patil said that the Right to information should be used for transparency. We have legal rights to know any information. According to this act, (Right to Information act 2005), generally people should follow the procedure of law given to then when their work is not being implemented in a proper way in public services. This act is a great help in the order to control corruption.

4.Lack of transparency and professional accountability is yet another big reason. We should be honest to ourselves. Until and unless we will not be honest, we can’t control corruption. If each of us is honest towards our profession, then corruption will automatically decrease. We need to pay attention towards professional accountability i.e., how much we are faithful and truthful towards our profession. Corruption may be controlled by handling five major professions: lekhpal, medical, revenue, police and judicial.

I pray God will raise up a Generation that will fight for Justice. A Generation that loves the right things and will not compromise. Sometime this week, Someone asked a question "when are we going to have our own Nelson Mandela, or Martin Luther King Jnr (May their souls rest in Peace)". People who are ready to die for this nation. I am ready to Die for Nigeria. Are you?


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