Thursday 5 May 2016


GOD, in His infinite wisdom, made our dear country a rainbow collection of tribes and tongues. The rainbow in the sky is a thing of beauty. But we seem blind to the beauty in our rainbow collection of tribes and tongues. Instead, we find mutual suspicion, hate and fear in other tongues and tribes. Consequently, several parts of our country are today convulsed in inter and intra-ethnic conflicts leading to loss of lives as well as the destruction of private and public property. The gun is beginning to rule and ruin our country.

There is no doubt that one of the factors militating against progress and development of this country is tribalism and ethnicity. Right from the time of independence to this period, our problem as a nation has been that of tribal and ethnic considerations in our everyday life. Many have preached on the need to break the ethnic problem in Nigeria; different programmes have been initiated but they ended as theoretical exercises.Genuine democratic culture has been difficult to entrench in this country because of ethnicity and tribalism. What every Nigerian is extremely conscious of is the importance of tribalism in politics. This consciousness is pervasive because administrative units, such as “states’’ and local government areas, are mapped out according to tribes. Admission into institutions of learning and distribution of national wealth, are conducted by ethnic considerations.

Never you can never marry my daughter. What state did  you say you are from again.i cannot bare to have my grandchild from so so so state.You either hear that or the generalizations. All Yorubas like party,Hausas are selfish better put "the average Hausa man is selfish" .I can go on and on. Am wondering why we cannot all live hapilly despite  the differences. No one came with a choice of culture. I mean we did not even choose our parents.The Bible says "there is neither jew nor greek.we are all one in christ" .The major cause of the issues we have in Nigeria is as a result of intolerance.You hear things lIke The north has produced 5 presidents.its time for a zoning. Its time for the Igbos.As far the person is working, who cares about where he or she is from.We are FIRST humans before any other thing.
Look at major issues we have had in the past. Fulani Herds men killing is the latest demon roaring its ugly head. United we stand,divided we fall.the more we begin to dig differences and show intolerance, the more we fall apart.

Disclamier: I have gotten some of the references online.Not all written here is original


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