Tuesday 24 May 2016


We sure remember the Tiger Wood Story. About his marriage i mean. Just recently, i read he is now World No 52. Few years Ago, he was World No 1. It is going to take time for him to get back into his golfing career. It must be painful that a man so gifted could be so human.The lessons of his travails and trip to purgatory are quite clear: men no matter how gifted are fallible after all. Public figures have no hiding places: Tiger Woods is the victim of tabloid scrutiny and of the greed of the women in his lives. But there are many ordinary men whose lives have gone from hero to zero. There are no perfect lives. Not even Woods': he is the old picture of a perfect husband and family man, with his wife and daughter hanging on to him as he won the Majors. This Tiger could not resist returning to the wild of the woods. Man is deceptive.We judge people so easily. Judging is something we do sometimes without thinking. I am most guilty of that.When we realise that we are to treat others the way we will want to be treated, the world will be a more caring place.

  • Monitor your thoughts.Think about what you thinking about. I often go along thinking things about other people, judging them, and I don't even realize it. I'm going to work on paying more attention to my thoughts and do my best to push them in a positive direction
  • Look for the positive. People cant be totally bad.There must be a good in them .God did not create us to be bad. Judgments are negative. There is almost always something positive you can find in someone or something. While my mind might immediately focus on the negative, I can push my thoughts in a more positive direction and look for something nice to say. And, of course, if you can't find something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
  • Avoid stereotyping. Stereotypes are never, ever good. I really try to avoid them, but I know I don't always. As I said above, they really create a lot of negativity in the world and I know I don't want to be a part of that. I want to work on recognizing stereotypes and working to avoid them at all costs. There is no need for them in my life.
  • Stop judging yourselfIt's not all that easy to do, but the more we judge ourselves, the more we'll judge others. I judge myself a lot and I need to work on that. I need to focus on the positive aspects of me and then it will be a lot easier to focus on the positive aspects of others. There's no reason to be so hard on myself and I'm going to really, really work on this one.
  • Focus on your own life. When all else fails and judgments are hard to push away, focus on yourself. Don't worry about what other people are doing/wearing/etc. Think about your own life. Focus on what you want and go after it. When you're trying to avoid your own problems, it's easy to criticize others. Don't. Think about you and focus on the good things.
  • Remember how it feels. Remember how it feels to be judged. AND remember how it felt the last time you judged someone else. It doesn't feel good to judge or to be judged so put an end to it right now. I'm going to work on remember these feelings the next time I feel like a negative thought about someone else is cropping up.
I will like to end with this quote "Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others usually make no time to correct their own -Art Jonak. Do not just others because they sin differently from you. Leave God to it who is the ultimate Judge.


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