Monday 29 February 2016


Mondays can be awesome if  you love what you do. Maybe you are not yet on the path you desire. That is OK. Small steps can make a big difference in our busy lives. In a CNN Interview with Larry King, the interviewer asked him how he wakes up early everyday to be at work everyday. He said and i quote " I don't have a job. I am paid to do what I love which is to talk". The truth is that most of us hate Mondays not because it is the first day of the week or the first day after a long weekend.  NO! We hate Mondays because we do not do what we love. If only we can find ourselves doing what we love. Mondays will be a day to look forward  to. Here are a few things in my opinion that will make Mondays easier to handle.

1. Stop Complaining: Good things don't come to those complain. Change is the only thing that is constant. It is either you make do and be happy with what you have or take small steps to that line of passion that you desire.

2. Find Your Passion: Just like i quoted Larry King earlier, Look forward to having a job that makes you crave for Monday to come. Truth is you will lose track of what day it is because you are walking in your purpose

3. You Are Not Alone: So many people hate Mondays too. You are not the only one. Hang in there and just enjoy the moment.

4.Wake Up & Smile: Think on things that make you happy. Wake Up ad be thankful for Life and the fact that you have somewhere to wake up to every morning. It is only the living that can go to work.

5. Be Grateful For What You Have: Monday isn't that bad. Think of people that are less fortunate than you. Not everyone has that opportunity.

6. Monday Will Go By Too:  Just the way weekends are made in China,lol. So is Monday. The day will soon be over and you will be on your way home. So make a list of what you have to do and take one step at a time.

7. Find/ Re-Connect With Purpose: Take time to reflect on why you are on planet earth. Do things you have never done before and maybe just maybe you may have a date with Destiny.

It does really matter where you are now, as long as you have the end in sight. Stop complaining about things you cannot change especially if you are not doing anything about changing the situation.


Thursday 25 February 2016


So i have decided that jokes belong to Fridays. Just a little something to calm our nerves down. Life is already complicated, let us not make it harder than it already is. So take a chill pill, relax, smile, help someones, be happy, forgive,jump, scream. Do whatever makes you happy. Here are some quotes that i found really hilarious. I got them from and Read and Laugh.

1. My grandfather always said, “Don’t watch your money; watch your health.” So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather!

2. One day, I showed up late for work. The boss yelled “You should have been here at 8:30!” I replied: “Why? What happened at 8:30?”

3. I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

4. The only reason people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.

5. To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.

6. If ugliness was a crime, you would be serving 3 life sentences.

7. I’ve been in love with the same woman for 49 years. If my wife ever finds out, she would kill me!

8. A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was about to be executed. “Have you any last requests? Asked the chaplain. “Yes,” replied the murderer. “Will you hold my hand?”

9. Note – The key to a good relationship is the key. Give me back the key.

10Wife: "I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?" Husband: "You have perfect eyesight."

11Teacher: "Kids, what does the chicken give you?"
Student: "Meat!"
Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give you?"
Student: "Bacon!"
Teacher: "Great! And what does the fat cow give you?"
Student: "Homework!"

12. What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down. It gets toad away.

N.B: They are just jokes and this is not to indict anyone. Please do not take any personally.

Life is too short. Take a good laugh. Everything will be alright in the end. If it  is not the alright, it is not the end. TGIF.Whoop whoop... Hope you had a good laugh! :)



Cleanliness is next to Godliness they say. Whether we believe it or not, at least we can agree that cleanliness will impact on your health negatively or positively. According to WHO, Air Pollution is now the world's largest single environmental risk. Come to think of it, the LASAA Fever that broke out few months ago is as a result of uncleanliness. This rather amplifies the need to keep our environment clean. At least I am aware that the last Saturday of every month in Lagos State is Environmental Saturday. Because of this, Movement is restricted till 10am. So let me ask this question. Does the government need to impose a day for us to clean our homes and surroundings.Before now, i used to rain abuses on the government saying we don't have drainage and that's why everywhere is dirty. But most times, we are the cause of our woes.   Your don't want to see Lagos roads during rainy seasons. You find out that people practically throw their dirt out when its raining saying that the rain will wash it away. ere is dirty. But most times, we are the cause of our woes. Not all things are to be left to the government alone. Our leaders have done their part to make the drainage. Whether they are good or not is another discussion. Here is how we can play our part:

1. Stop Throwing things Out Of the Car: Keep them in the car till you get to a place with a  trash can. Better still, keep them in the car .

2. Recycle The Waste Products:  Many waste products can be recycled instead of being disposed off in the dustbin especially bottles and cans. This initiative can be in partnership with the government . This will ultimately prevent any air pollution accumulated  on burning these products.

3. Grow Your Food Locally: Need I remind you that as of the time writing this piece, Dollar to a Naira is 400 while pounds go for 500. Importation business now is bad business. No offence though, Agriculture is staring at us in the face looking for whom to cling Planting of food locally helps in reducing the overall commercial transportation of food items that require pesticides and preservatives to preserve them.

4. Take Part In Sanitation: Most of us including myself  like to stand aloof on this one. Cleanliness is all our business not just LAWMA.

5. Use Public Trash Can: Use trash cans when not available, keep in your bag or pocket and dispose it when you find a trash can

Keeping our environment clean is a collective responsibility( govt & citizens). We are all in it together as  some people will say. You cannot be on the divide of the divide. Are you helping to keep it clean or helping to keep it dirty?


Friday 19 February 2016


TGIF Guys.I found this piece very funny so i decided to take a break from the series on etiquette. It is from a colleague at work. Please read on and laugh........
So after 12 solid primary and secondary school years in this Yorubaland called Lasgidi, plus the mandatory NYSC year, plus two post-NYSC years till date, this is my take on my Yoruba brothers:
1. They have this affinity for stew. Stew with Amala. Stew with Eba. Stew is almost always present in their soup. Infact, stew is soup as it can be eaten as is with any swallow.
2. Eba must be soft. Not 'hard' like "ti awon omo Ibo."
3. Do a Yoruba man a favour and he will greet you for that particular deed for the rest of his life. 'E seun ojor Sah/Ma'.
4. Ankara fabric can never be missing in the wardrobe. Why? Because they just love Saturday parties!
5. Amala and ewedu soup is a national treasure. Gbegiri. And Agege bread. And Efor soup too.
6. They are not lavish with their soup portions. It's always as if there is famine.
7. Ijebu garri is another national treasure. On a hot afternoon, Ijebu garri + cold water + Fried fish/kulikuli does wonders to the soul.
8. In the gents, they prefer to wipe with water rather than 'tissue paper'. Water no get enemy.
9. Beans that is not watery is poison. It's like giving them cement to chew. Again, water no get enemy.
10. They like pepper. I mean peppery pepper. Everything is about 'din ata'. They have a special flat rock-instrument for grinding pepper. Don't ever try to eat their food without a reservoir of water near you. Your head can blow up.
11. Their language is one of the sweetest things on earth. Especially the abusive ones like 'oloshi', 'oloriburuku', 'oniranu'. I like 'ode'. Lawd!
12. They are prepared to borrow heaven and earth to organize parties. After the party comes the creditors, the blues...the blues...
13. All talk. Engage a Yoruba man in a fight and he will leave you to call the whole world/passers-by to see 'this man before I kill am o!!!'
He will remove his shirt, display some bravado at a distance, and keep calling spectators. Don't worry, he won't come close.
You never dull at a yoruba wedding. You musk konko
14. If you want to really beat a Yoruba man, take him to a place where he will not see a weapon to grab. Maybe the middle of a football pitch. They are useless when there is no '2 X 2' plank, cutlass, bottles, etc. Don't ever fight them in a bus-stop where they have enough 'backup'; they're very united.
15. They can shout when angry. You need to see a Yoruba man shout. Even that woman in Kung Fu Hustle dey learn.
16. Speak their language and you automatically become a family. Their language is the sweetest thing from the mouth of a 'foreigner'. Thank goodness for my ability. smile emoticon
You will realize the importance when you need to ask for direction to your destination.
17. I hate iru. Iru is a spice used for cooking. The 'aroma' that comes from that thing can kill a horse.
18. If you are not Aboki then you are 'omo igbo' to them. All other ethnic group no follow. You are talking Further Maths when you start mentioning Itsekiri, Nupe, Ibibio, Ijaw, etc.
19. They find it hard to understand the difference between Cross River and Akwa-Ibom.
20. They believe all 'Calabar' people are potential cannibals.
21. That all 'Calabar' people eat dog meat(i only reinforced this notion). Tha dog-eating gives us sexual stamina. smile emoticon
Because of this, they're jittery when a Calabar man 'chases' their babe, and helpless when left alone with a Calabar babe in a room.
smile emoticon
22. They have the talking drum. A classic work of art.
23. They are WONDERFUL people. Fun to be with and very receptive. I love these guys!!!
N/B: The word 'they' as used here is not meant to generalize in any way.
This is purely jocular and not meant to insult my Yoruba brothers.

Story :Eno Emmanuel
Image credit: &


Thursday 18 February 2016


Manners and etiquette for children is ranked as the most important quality to nurture in the family home.Instilling good manners in some teens will feel like an almost impossible task. But don't despair, just keep at it.You will be surprised how much of your pushing and nagging about being well mannered stays with them.Good Manners are essential for every child's self confidence and success in life.So today I am talking about children etiquette.I believe in teaching children things from where they are young. People who steal today did not just start from today. Someone probably did not teach or correct them. So here are some i thought could be helpful.

1. If the door is closed, it is respectful and good manners to knock and wait for permission to enter

2. If you want to borrow something, don't just help yourself, always ask permission and make sure you
return whatever it is you borrow. Make sure you return it in the same or better condition

3. Never go looking through another person's private possessions without their permission, that is extremely bad mannered

4. I know it is very tempting to read your sister's diary and love letters, but restrain yourself, that is very private and you wouldn't like someone to do that to you

5. Your family's affairs are private and should be kept that way. If mum and dad have an argument or the business is not doing well, or your brother is not doing well at school, it has nothing to do with outsiders
However, if a family member is being abused in any way, that is different and someone in a position of authority should be told.

6. Another rule in the book of manners and etiquette for children is you should not expect anyone to clean up after you. Leave the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and TV room clean and tidy, don't leave your dirty dishes around the house.Your wet towels or dirty dishes are your responsibility. If you share a bedroom, then share the responsibility of keeping it clean and tidy.

7. We'll repeat, practicing the art of good manners and etiquette starts in the home, let your parental guidance follow through to school and the sports field.For example, if the children are playing a board game at home, the loser needs to learn to accept that in good grace.If on a sports field, they need to know it is good etiquette to thank the opposing team, shake hands and say, "Well done!"

8. Kids Telephone Etiquette - DO NOT underestimate what a strong favorable  impression your kid's good telephone manners can have on people phoning your home

9. Parents, at all times be aware of your own behavior, highlight acts of good manners and etiquette and of course good social behavior. Children learn easily from what you do rather than what you say.

10.If you send a thank you note to someone, mention it in front of the children: Say something like, 'I'm just sending a thank you note to Aunt Irene, she was so helpful running you children to school last week when I couldn't manage' - that way, showing appreciation is just a normal way to behave and not a lesson in manners and etiquette for children

These 'silent' lessons in manners and etiquette for children have more of a lasting impact when they are seen and experienced. So always strike while the iron is hot, so to speak

11. Try really hard not to embarrass anyone, what may seem humorous and teasing is often very embarrassing, just think how you would feel under the circumstances.

So don't use embarrassment as a lesson in manners and etiquette for children, just put yourself in their
position. Our children are the leaders of tomorrow. They are the next president, governor, senator etc. It is wise to instill the right values from when they are young so that when they are old, they will not depart from it.


Wednesday 17 February 2016


I wanna start a new series on etiquette. The Please & Thank Yous. I remember growing up as a child playing the game go-fish. Let me explain the game a bit for some of us who don't understand. It is usually a game for 4-5 people.Each player gets five cards. If you are dealt a four of a kind, or get four of a kind during game play, those cards are removed from your hand, and you get a point.
Moving clockwise, players take turns asking a specific player for a given rank of card. If someone asks you for a rank that you have, the cards are taken from your hand. if you do not have any cards of that rank, your opponent must go fish, taking one new card from the pile of cards saying please or thank you.When it’s your turn, select a player you think might have a needed card. Pick one card from your hand of the desired rank. If the player has the desired card, he or she must pass it over. If not, you must go fish. If you get the card you asked for, you get to go again.If you run out of cards and there are still cards left, you get five free cards.Play continues until all hands are empty and there are no more cards to draw from. The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the game. It not like the game is a very strategic game in itself. Its just teaching you some certain etiquette. Also, remember the 10 lepers that Jesus healed in the Bible just one came back to say thank you and he was the only one whose healing was whole. Lets define what etiquette really man. The dictionary defines it as the code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group. I will be starting with work etiquette today. I will just list 10 because the list is actually inexhaustible:

1. Lead us a ear: This is so common a work place nowadays. People are trying to communicate with you but they are screaming at the top of their voices because they can't get to you. Bico if you have to listen to music or anything of sort, please give us one ear so we don't lose our voices.

2. Stop taking stuff in the fridge that is not yours: Really?! It really not that hard to ask for permission before taking anything from the fridge that is not yours.

3. Flush when you Use The Toilet: Am sure we do not do this at home so why do we do it work. In addition, wash your hands for about 30secs  and ensure they are dried. Try not to touch doors with your wet hands.Flushing is just a knob away.

4. Respect the Weekend: If whatever the question is can wait till Monday, do everyone a favour and save it for then .Except it is really important, please respect that space. Most times this is the only time people get to enjoy with family or friends.

5. Keep Speakerphone on the Low (If you must use it):  No one else really needs to hear your conversation. Keep conversations on the low. Better Still, step aside into a corner where you are all alone.

6. Keep Ringtones on the low too:  Am not saying this has to be on silent but at least we should not feel like we are at the disco just because your phone rang. Also, please use office friendly tones if you know what I mean.

7 Learn To Be In Time: Try not to be late but if it is unavoidable, please call or send a text ahead. This is just the polite thing to do.

8. There Is A Place For Gossip:  Save this for after work or lunch time. You dont want people feeling uncomfortable when you are whispering.

9.You Really Do Not Have To Copy Everyone:  Do copy every single person at the office if they don't actually need to be. This is the email equivalent of group texts. We all know how annoying those are

10. Use Office Time For Office Work:  Try as much as possible to do what you are employed for. Limit calls to family friends, save "gists" for later. Do not cheat your employer.


Tuesday 16 February 2016


Hi guys. I had a BUSY BUSY DAY yesterday. So i could not write any post. In the past two weeks, we have been discussing Values. I believe strongly in this as the foundation for any serious society. There is another thing that pains my heart that is THE THIRD MAINLAND BRIDGE TRAFFIC. Gosh. You don't want to be caught in that traffic. On an average daily, i spend close to 5 hours in traffic. To me that is a whole lot of time to waste on the road.It’s insane to say the least. By the way i sleep in the morning and read a book or write the next article for my blog. So, i just thought of some solutions that i will mention below.They are just my thoughts and i think they can help.What I see time after time again is that each time we get to the end of the bridge there is nothing causing this traffic. It is just the influx of cars. Everyday, i see not less that 3 cars with the learner sign. This just tells me that the cars will not stop coming. So,i personally think road construction will not work. We just have to look at other ways of commuting.  In the meantime though, let us crack this third mainland bridge traffic together. lol.

1. Mass Transit: I personally believe, all the yellow cars on the road should be phased out. By Yellow Buses i mean Danfo & Keke(Tricycles &Buses). They can be replaced with the BRTs (Bus Rapid Transit).When the BRTs first introduced into the Nigeria, I thought it was the best thing that has happened to us in a long time. But now, the Buses are not even properly maintained. Let us get more buses with some more lane leading to the Island. This will definitely reduce traffic on the road. I for one will drop my car at home to join the bus.

2. Toll gate at entry point into the mainland: This can discourage driving. I think there should be an heavy levy at entry points into the Island. This may discourage people from taking their cars to the Island.

3. Congestion and parking Tax: Even if you take your car out at all. let there be tax for parking. In the U.K for example, The Congestion Charge is an  11.50 pounds daily charge for driving a vehicle within the charging zones between 7.00 and 18.00, Monday to Friday. We can replicate that here, have designated places such as in Marina. where you have to pay for congestion fee. This should be regulated by paying online into the TSA. We can even use such money to maintain roads and possibly build more ones if need be.

4. Water Ways:It is an irony how we just have the water beside us and we are not doing enough about it. L
ogically should follow that a good percentage of daily commuter journeys from the mainland to the Island and vice versa ought to be based on water transport. We however know from current situation on ground that this is not so. Other major cities around water such as New York, Hong Kong and Rotterdam have capitalized on this resource for years and there is no reason why Lagos shouldn’t as well. The time is now for ongoing efforts by the current Lagos state administration to develop the waterways to start producing visible results. At the moment, the players in Lagos water ways are too few and are not big enough to make meaningful impact on lessening the reliance on road based transport or reducing traffic congestion. The call is out for bigger, more ambitious, private sector lead water transport undertakings that can project water based transport into the mainstream with adequate support and concessions provided by the Lagos state government.


Friday 12 February 2016


Bata Mi A Dun KoKo ka Bi Ba Ka We Mi (Translation-My shoes will make noise if i read my books). It is now i realise the meaning of that song. It just means if you are diligent, you will go places. As the Bible puts it, you will stand before kings and not mean men. It is sad to see that our values have entered reverse gear.As my practice is, lemme describe how the dictionary defines it. It is defined as the virtue of hard work,i.e constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Here are few of the ways i think you can be more diligent:

1. Remove Distractions: This is  the first step on the road to be coming diligent. Try and take out things that are not in connection with your focus or destiny. Spend less time on things that don't make matter.Wasting time hold you back from accomplishing your goals. For example, I have decided to use the time i spend in traffic( about 5 hours) to develop my self by reading and writing instead of being on all the social media in this

2. Make A List: Know what you want to accomplish. Be decisive. This may be hard but ensure you set goals for yourself maybe each month if the yearly one does not work too well for you. You may set goals for finance, personal, health etc. It really does not have to be anything extraordinary. I have one goal for my health this year, eat rice just twice a week.

3. Prioritize: People make the mistake of confusing priorities with importance. The fact that something is important does not mean its a priority. Learn to weigh and balance out accordingly.

4. Use Time Effectively: Time they say does not wait for anyone, neither is it anyone's friend. Use your time to do that that bring you closer to your Destiny. In the book Destiny by T.D Jakes, There is a chapter that says Time Flies Even when you are not having fun. Unfortunately, that is the truth. Use time wisely because once it is lost, you cannot regain it. Both the rich and the poor have the same 24hrs. Its what you do with it matters

5. Devote Yourself: Stick to your plan and seek motivation if need be. You may even decide to have mentors. Someone who may spur you to fix your eye on the goal

6. Be Realistic: Allow for the unexpected. Then re-prioritize if need be. We are humans and we fall sometimes. The only wrong here is stay stay down. Dust yourself and get back up.

7. Realise the value of Hardwork: Hardwork pays. I will say that again Hardwork pays. Let us consider Olajumoke the girl rose from bread seller to being sought after. Imagine if she decided not to go out to sell bread that day. The opportunity may not be regained ever.So, Know that hardwork will make you stand before kings and not mean men Prov 22:29

In conclusion, the Bible has told us to go and consider the ants and see how they work. Prov 6:6-8. Hardwork does not kill Infact, it elevates. Go the extra mile and continue with such virtue and it will make you stand before kings one day


Thursday 11 February 2016


"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care" Theodore Roosevelt. That being said, i want to take a look at empathy today. What does it mean to have empathy? Does it mean to say sorry to a person hurting? Does it mean learning to share your possession with absolute strangers? Lets look at what empathy means from the dictionary stand point. It means the experience of understanding another person;s condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. You will find that every where in the Bible where Jesus did a miracle, he was moved with compassion. He could put himself  in their shoes. Am sure he was mad that the Devil was harassing people all around. To be empathic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. Once you see beyond your own world, you'll realize that there's so much to discover and appreciate!To start using empathy effectively, lets consider the following:

1.Put Aside Your View Point: People naturally have the tendency to judge other quickly.. Hey! I am guilty of that too.You may realize later that they were just reacting to the situation at the level of knowledge they had. We all know how the conclude on others not minding to find out why they did what they did. Matthew 7:1 says Judge not so you will not be judged. The Bible also preaches  Remove the speck in your eye before you remove the speck in others. The amazing truth here is that if we were other people's shoes, we will be worse off. So why not try to be less judgmental and really care about their feelings. Always try to see the other person;'s shoes and think of being in their shoes.

2. Validate The Other Person's Perspective: Even if this means just muffling some hmms and ahhs or even saying okay. The person has a sense that you are not trying to judge but actually listening from your heart.

3. Examine Your Attitude: Action they say is louder than words. What is your body language saying, Is  your body language screaming "God forbid. A christian should not be involved in such" and your words are saying "i know what you mean". Have an Open mind.

4.Listen:  Even if you have a contrary opinion, Listen! Listen! Listen!. I once heard the reason God gave us two ears is to listen twice as much as we speak. Listen with your eyes, ears and above all your heart.

5. Ask What Jesus Will Do: As Christians, we should be imitators of God. Throughout Scriptures, Jesus laid this example when he opened blind eyes, made the dumb speak. The Bible says do not with hold good from anyone as long as it is in your capacity to do so. I Tim 5:8 also says But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel"
So, start with family members. Pay someones fees, pay for someone,s vacation, pray for the unsaved ones in your family and am sure if everyone can reach one, everyone can teach one.


Wednesday 10 February 2016


"Great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see"......We all know the song.This is the third series on values. I am taking a look at faithfulness today. What really is faithfulness? What does really mean to be faithful? Can we say someone who keeps money for others without touching it is faithful? Lets see what the dictionary defines faithfulness as. It is being loyal, constant, staunch, steadfast, resolute mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance it also implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted. Again, it can be described as the concept of unfailingly, remaining loyal to someone or something and putting that loyalty into consistent practice, regardless of extenuating circumstances. So we can say that faithfulness is being consistent to a promise or person. In our dear country of ours, it is really hard to find a faithful person. People say yes at this time and say no at another time. The Bible says that God is too faithful to fail. Do you know what that means, he cannot change his word. So how can we as human beings imbibe such character and transfer such to others around us.I believe so strongly in values, because once a man's value system changes either for good or evil, his life must align either way. Let us look consider these thoughts and evaluate our life if we truly are faithful people:

1. Do you possess the right values?

A faithful person knows what’s important in life and what isn’t important in life.  A faithful person knows how to invest his or her life.  A faithful person makes their life count.  A faithful person knows the significant apart from the trivial. Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will be richly blessed but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”  This verse contrasts faithfulness with a desire to get rich quick.  He’s not talking about making money.  He’s saying that what we have to realize is there is more to life than just the accumulation of things.  The Bible says we’re to live like fish swimming upstream in a very materialistic world.  Faithfulness is proven by our refusal to buy into the system that says the almighty buck is the number one thing in life.  Faithfulness is often proven by choosing of a simplified lifestyle to allow more time for ministry. You will go into leadership with the mindset of amassing wealth for you and even generations yet unborn but to help others and make an impact. Martin Luther King Jnr, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, even our Lord Jesus Christ just to mention a few are examples of selfless people who just wanted to impact society. They saw something wrong and that spurred up a cause for them. We too can be mentioned one day.

2. Do you care for the interests of others?

The second way God is going to judge our faithfulness is our relationship to other people.  Did we care
about the relationships of others and not just our own relationships? Faithfulness swims against the stream of contemporary culture, which says, “What’s in it for me?  What are my needs, my ambitions, my desires, my goals, my hurts, my values, my profit, my benefit?”  But God says faithfulness is proven by our others-directedness and by giving our life away, by looking at others rather than concentrating on ourselves. On the last day the Bible says he will cast some people into hell. Why?  I quote "When I was hungry you did not give me food, When  I was in the prison you did not come to visit me". I am not saying here that we should just kill yourself for others. I mean even the Bible says "Love your neighbour as yourself"

3. Do you live with integrity before an unbelieving world?

In other words, a mark of faithfulness is the kind of testimony you have with unbelievers.  The Bible teaches that a pastor is to be above reproach in the community and to have a good reputation, not with believers, but with unbelievers.  When God evaluates your faithfulness, He won’t be looking at your communication skills but He will be examining the way in which you walked before those who are outside the faith.

4. Do you keep your promises?

When God evaluates your faithfulness, He’s going to look at all the promises you made.  Proverbs 20:25 “It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later consider your vow.”   I take pity on politicians that swear an oath and do otherwise when they get in. It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of debt – that’s making a promise to pay.  It’s easier to get into a relationship than out of a relationship.  It’s easier to fill up your schedule than it is to fulfill your schedule.  The Bible is saying that faithfulness is a matter of if you say it, you do it.  You keep your promises.

5. Do you develop your God-given gifts?

There’s a tremendous emphasis in the Bible on using the gifts and the talents God has given you. God has made an investment in your life and He expects a return on it. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each should use whatever spiritual gift he has received to serve others faithfully, administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  Notice it says if you don’t use your spiritual gift, people are getting cheated. Faithfulness is based on what we do with what we have.

6. Do you obey God’s commands?

1 Samuel 2:35 god says “I will raise up a faithful priest to serve me and do whatever I tell him to do”  Circle “do whatever I tell him to do”.  God defines faithfulness as obedience to the commands of Christ.  We can be skilled leaders and communicators, but disobedience disqualifies us from being seen as faithful as God defines it. This is basic, but its essential.

7. Do you pass on what you learn?

The Bible talks a lot about the transferring process of multiplication. The is the part where i think that you have truly lived. It is not enough to amass knowledge and gracefully hoard such to yourself. This way, everyone becomes a better person. Imagine if Jesus decided to be on his own when he was here on earth. How would we have known about the good news if it was not transferred hence the spread and multiplication. You’re to give what you learn to faithful men and those faithful men are to give it to others, and so on.  None of us would be here today if there hadn’t been faithful men and women in the last 2000 years of the church. We’re leading today because some faithful men and women took time to write down the Scriptures, and others preserved the Scriptures, and others translated the Scriptures. We are here because some people took their time to fight for our independence.  We’re here because of the testimony of faithful people.If God teaches you a spiritual truth and you’re learning a spiritual truth, it’s your duty to pass it on to others. How do I become faithful?  Galatians 5:22-23 says, “The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.”  It’s one of the nine fruits.

This is to spur us to do live by our words. To steer our hearts to imbibe the right values and infect others with such. It begins with you.


Monday 8 February 2016


After a break from our series on values let us get back on track. Today, we will be looking at respect. The cliche we hear all around us is "respect is reciprocal".It takes you to respect me and I in turn will respect you at least, that is what the world preaches. The dictionary defines it as due regards for the feelings, wishes or rights of others. Here are some ways we can show respect:

  1. Listen harder. We already know that proactive listening should be your first social skill. We know this because we love when people listen to us, so we find it safe to assume that other people love when we listen to them.
  2. Be considerate. Once you’ve listened, it’s time to act accordingly. If there was anything about the persons tone of voice or body language that gave a hint as to how they were feeling, use that information in your interaction. Better Still, ask when the body language indicates so you don't get it misinterpreted 
  3. Keep your promise. By keeping your word to someone, you not only establish yourself as a person of integrity, but make the other person feel as though you value them.
  4. Be on time. Another way to demonstrate that you value someone, is by treating their time as though it is valuable. Nothing says this better than being punctual. If you have a problem with being chronically late, read my post. Some of us can be early to work  but late to church.Also, i think if you are running late, courtesy demands that you inform the person before hand.
  5. Have manners. This is pretty simple. Do not interrupt a conversation, be polite and watch your ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. By showing manners towards someone, you make them feel valuable.
  6. Encourage. Sometimes when we hear a silly idea, it’s easy to shoot down someone’s hopes and dreams, or otherwise make them feel unimportant. Genuinely encouraging someone could be very empowering and liberating. You may not know a big idea.
  7. Be fair. We often find ourselves in a position of power over someone else; to some extent. Having power enables the opportunity to be corrupt. Avoid corruption, give people what they earn-deserve, and they’ll appreciate it.
  8. Go out of your way. You don’t have to always do the bare minimum. If you want to show someone that they’re valuable, and that you respect them, go the extra mile without expecting a reward if it is in your power.
  9. Preserve dignity. When wronged, mistreated, or otherwise upset in some way handle the dispute with finesse. This means approaching the person in such a way as to preserve their dignity. The best way to handle it is via a calm and private conversation, as opposed to a public screaming match.
  10. Do Not Assume. Don’t assume anything about a person based on their race, income level, or gender. Start off each interaction by thinking of the other person as your equal. The Bible says love others as you love yourself.

Imagine a world where we all live by the golden rule, we will not have passengers dragging the clothes of the conductor because of a change of N20. Also, you will not find husbands cheating on their wives, people will not beat the traffic light, neither will people press accelerators when they see someone trafficating.  In fact the world will be a better place to live in. What I am saying here in all is that you treat others the way you will want to be treated. The Golden rule sums everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets". Matthew 7.12



Welcome to a new week guys. I was supposed to continue my series on values but i feel compelled  to write about thegirlinthetinietempahshoot. This a story of Destiny meets Grace and opportunity.

There is no way am going to recap the story better than TY Bello herself. Here is the story of OLAJUMOKE SUNDAY ORISAGUNA:


I only recently started thinking it was important to make 'behind -the - scenes videos of my photography sessions . I hardly , however make time to go through the footages simply because I find it uncomfortable looking at my self on screen and for the obvious fact that I sound wierd and embarrassingly loud when I shoot .Yesterday how ever I sat with emaedosio as we combed through go-pro footages to see if we captured the very moment .Olajumoke a bread hawker from the Sabo market bakery , walked entirely by coincidence unto our set of our Thisday style shoot for tiniegram The moment didn't look special at all. If anything she stood there a little confused .Some people asking her to leave the set and others asking her to stay . I signaled if it was ok to take her photograph and she agreed and I pressed on my shutter so she could move ahead . My main subject of interest was the Okada driver that had slowed down just before she arrived .Okada riders have that cool lagos vibe and always happen to add a bit of swag to street portraits. 
I was wrong to have paid her such little attention. Every frame with her in it was perfect .. I had found a second subject in the Tinnie's story. A young beautiful hawker who could have served as a love interest of some sort .Digitally I made the red in her dress match tiniegram sleeves to create a connection between them.

When the magazine came out last week and the images hit social media , I was proven right this girl split the limelight with the main subject effortlessly ..questions and comments started to fly : Was she a model ? How did we convince the model to balance all that bread on her head . The buzz about her multiplied when I clarified that she indeed wasn't a model at all but simply stumbled on our set. I immediately begone my search for her .If so many felt she was beautiful enough to be a model.. Then maybe she was mean to be one .I was going to find a way to make it happen .I had assistants leave word with people in the area we shot her and to my delight the very next day , she showed up at my studio
Aso kan na ni mo wo kiri Lana ' meaning it is the same dress i wore yesterday. Jumoke the 'model' the Internet had been searching for speaks almost no English. She explained how she had worn the exact outfit in our photograph the day before and someone showed her her own photograph on his phone from face book. A mallam led her to my studio that morning . She narrated her journey to lagos ...A hair stylist from Ire in Osun state but not making enough profit between she and her husband , a sliding door installer in from same village ,to care for their two young children .

At the invitation of a distant relative who knew someone operating a bakery , she relocated to lagos with her 14 month old daughter to give bread hawking a try , leaving her husband and older 5 year old behind .
As I listened to her I wandered if the beauty I had seen on my screen as I edited my image was a fluke ..well until she smiled ., I realized that I was wrong ., I had in fact ,underestimated the beauty of this 27 year old woman. As always ., it was her eyes and of course her perfectly chiseled features that jumped out at you when she chuckled .This lady belonged in front of my camera .After a conversation with her husband telling him the story of our meeting I decided I was going to photograph her that very afternoon..Within an hour Bimpe Onakoya , one of Nigeria's leading makeup artist and Zubby one of my favourite hairstylist were at my studio to work magic. They had both followed the story online and were more than happy to put in their very best for her. Olajumoke .., with curly extensions out ,revealed a short natural Afro that beautifully hugged her face. Bimpeonakoya also had decided to keep the make up minimal... She stepped in front of my camera and I almost couldn't recognize her . She moved different too. Jumoke looked straight into my lens emoting like she had done this all her life

During the course of the day, emaedosio who was making a short documentary about the process had asked her what she really wanted to do .'Ka ma kiri Buredi ko suwon ' she explained that bread hawking wasn't the most profitable business but put enough food on her table . It also put a roof over a head .. Howbeit a roof she shared with scores of other hawkers . 
She was a trained hairdresser back in Osun state but her family could not afford the necessarily 'freedom ' ceremony ; a passing out ritual that gives a trainee a sometimes unwritten permission to start a full fledged salon .We all decided that the make over would be incomplete if it ended at the studio . Every one started to reach out to their contacts and through Bimpe we were able to get her a meeting with Ugo the pioneer of Make-me salon . As a result of the buzz she generated from the Thisday cover Our model is now close to starting an internship at makemesalon and has been offered a additional internship with sarisignaturea famous Lebanese owned salon on the island island . To pay Jumoke her model fee from her first job in front of the camera we called ujumarshall  And matched her fees .She's been offered a modelling contract with the help of godsonukaegbu .She's also had payporte reach out to her to be model on their next billboard campaign . 
This is clearly only the beginning of another chapter in Jumoke's story . Though it seems accidental it s clearly Divine .
Just this morning ,mentor of mine offered to foot the bill for her accommodation ,education as well as her child's.This finally makes it possible to be finally reunited with her husband and older child 

This is the story of so many Nigerians. The young house selling gala in traffic. The woman braiding hair under the bridge. Nigerians work hard and we go it with style.This has taught us and I hope everyone reading to pay a little attention to those clearly working hard around us. You may have your own wahala (problem) to deal with but nothing gives you a bigger break from your troubles than just making life easier for someone else. Give an orange seller a N1000 note and she may be able to take the next day off to attend to herself and her children . Jumoke is sorted ... I personally believe so with all the doors opening up for her but This story is more about the 'jumokes' around you . Who put in all the work but just need a little push .You may not be able to help every one but as I learnt from someone I really respect ..."In your own unique way .Do for the ONE what you would have liked to do for ALL."