Tuesday 2 February 2016


Have you ever been in a situation when the traffic light is on red and commuters(drivers) turn a blind eye and just beat it. Well, I have; and i just shake my head in pity. This article is not to castigate or indict anyone. Am just trying to make us go back to doing the right things and as much as possible reduce the accidents on our roads.
Did you know that:
  • Deaths caused by red-light running are increasing at more than three times the rate of increase for all other fatal crashes.
  • More people are injured in crashes involving red-light running than in any other crash type.
  • Reduction in red-light running through a comprehensive red-light camera program will promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare of your community.

Romans 13:1 says "let every person be subject to the governing authorities.For there is no authority except from God,and those hat exist have been instituted by God". Let me lay  emphasis on "Instituted by God" Whoever is in control of any nation, or political position as it were has gotten an approval from God. By approval i mean God allowed them to come into power. This world is controlled by an invincible hand -God.

Most people run red lights because they are in a hurry, when in fact they only save seconds.
  • Almost all drivers (96%) fear being struck by a red-light runner. 
  • Red-light runners can be any one of us who drives. .
  • Red-light running is often a result of aggressive driving, and is completely preventable
Also, James 2:10 also says "For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.This means that even if you do not "divert" money, or cheat, lie, fight but you break traffic law, you have failed in all. Obedience is very important to God. In 1 Samuel chapter 15, God told Saul to kill ALL the Amalakities but he decided to " deceive" God. We all know what the consequences of this act was-he was removed as king.   So, the next time you see a red light, it means STOP! 
Imagine a world where this rule is adhered to. No doubt, more vehicles on the road usually lead to more road accident as the risk of accident is increased with exposure. Just as Daniel Purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the kings food, Purpose in your heart daily to Obey the Traffic lights not just only on Sundays.

More references on Obedience include: Titus 3:1, Ipeter 2:13-15 , 1 peter 2: 18.

  1. www.iihs.org/research/topics/rlr.html
  2. “A Nationwide Survey of Red Light Running: Measuring Driver Behaviors for the ‘Stop Red Light Running’ Program, June-August 1999, Old Dominion University
  3. ”Stop Red Light Running,” Federal Highway Administration Safety Website: safety.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/srlr.htm.2002.
  4. R. A. Retting and A.F. Williams, "Characteristics of Red Light Violators: Results of a Field Investigation," Journal of Safety Research (1996): 27.1, 9-15  
  5. http://emanuelcountylive.com/2015/11/traffic-alert-red-light-malfunction/


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