Monday 8 February 2016


After a break from our series on values let us get back on track. Today, we will be looking at respect. The cliche we hear all around us is "respect is reciprocal".It takes you to respect me and I in turn will respect you at least, that is what the world preaches. The dictionary defines it as due regards for the feelings, wishes or rights of others. Here are some ways we can show respect:

  1. Listen harder. We already know that proactive listening should be your first social skill. We know this because we love when people listen to us, so we find it safe to assume that other people love when we listen to them.
  2. Be considerate. Once you’ve listened, it’s time to act accordingly. If there was anything about the persons tone of voice or body language that gave a hint as to how they were feeling, use that information in your interaction. Better Still, ask when the body language indicates so you don't get it misinterpreted 
  3. Keep your promise. By keeping your word to someone, you not only establish yourself as a person of integrity, but make the other person feel as though you value them.
  4. Be on time. Another way to demonstrate that you value someone, is by treating their time as though it is valuable. Nothing says this better than being punctual. If you have a problem with being chronically late, read my post. Some of us can be early to work  but late to church.Also, i think if you are running late, courtesy demands that you inform the person before hand.
  5. Have manners. This is pretty simple. Do not interrupt a conversation, be polite and watch your ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. By showing manners towards someone, you make them feel valuable.
  6. Encourage. Sometimes when we hear a silly idea, it’s easy to shoot down someone’s hopes and dreams, or otherwise make them feel unimportant. Genuinely encouraging someone could be very empowering and liberating. You may not know a big idea.
  7. Be fair. We often find ourselves in a position of power over someone else; to some extent. Having power enables the opportunity to be corrupt. Avoid corruption, give people what they earn-deserve, and they’ll appreciate it.
  8. Go out of your way. You don’t have to always do the bare minimum. If you want to show someone that they’re valuable, and that you respect them, go the extra mile without expecting a reward if it is in your power.
  9. Preserve dignity. When wronged, mistreated, or otherwise upset in some way handle the dispute with finesse. This means approaching the person in such a way as to preserve their dignity. The best way to handle it is via a calm and private conversation, as opposed to a public screaming match.
  10. Do Not Assume. Don’t assume anything about a person based on their race, income level, or gender. Start off each interaction by thinking of the other person as your equal. The Bible says love others as you love yourself.

Imagine a world where we all live by the golden rule, we will not have passengers dragging the clothes of the conductor because of a change of N20. Also, you will not find husbands cheating on their wives, people will not beat the traffic light, neither will people press accelerators when they see someone trafficating.  In fact the world will be a better place to live in. What I am saying here in all is that you treat others the way you will want to be treated. The Golden rule sums everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets". Matthew 7.12


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