Monday 29 February 2016


Mondays can be awesome if  you love what you do. Maybe you are not yet on the path you desire. That is OK. Small steps can make a big difference in our busy lives. In a CNN Interview with Larry King, the interviewer asked him how he wakes up early everyday to be at work everyday. He said and i quote " I don't have a job. I am paid to do what I love which is to talk". The truth is that most of us hate Mondays not because it is the first day of the week or the first day after a long weekend.  NO! We hate Mondays because we do not do what we love. If only we can find ourselves doing what we love. Mondays will be a day to look forward  to. Here are a few things in my opinion that will make Mondays easier to handle.

1. Stop Complaining: Good things don't come to those complain. Change is the only thing that is constant. It is either you make do and be happy with what you have or take small steps to that line of passion that you desire.

2. Find Your Passion: Just like i quoted Larry King earlier, Look forward to having a job that makes you crave for Monday to come. Truth is you will lose track of what day it is because you are walking in your purpose

3. You Are Not Alone: So many people hate Mondays too. You are not the only one. Hang in there and just enjoy the moment.

4.Wake Up & Smile: Think on things that make you happy. Wake Up ad be thankful for Life and the fact that you have somewhere to wake up to every morning. It is only the living that can go to work.

5. Be Grateful For What You Have: Monday isn't that bad. Think of people that are less fortunate than you. Not everyone has that opportunity.

6. Monday Will Go By Too:  Just the way weekends are made in China,lol. So is Monday. The day will soon be over and you will be on your way home. So make a list of what you have to do and take one step at a time.

7. Find/ Re-Connect With Purpose: Take time to reflect on why you are on planet earth. Do things you have never done before and maybe just maybe you may have a date with Destiny.

It does really matter where you are now, as long as you have the end in sight. Stop complaining about things you cannot change especially if you are not doing anything about changing the situation.


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