Thursday 25 February 2016


Cleanliness is next to Godliness they say. Whether we believe it or not, at least we can agree that cleanliness will impact on your health negatively or positively. According to WHO, Air Pollution is now the world's largest single environmental risk. Come to think of it, the LASAA Fever that broke out few months ago is as a result of uncleanliness. This rather amplifies the need to keep our environment clean. At least I am aware that the last Saturday of every month in Lagos State is Environmental Saturday. Because of this, Movement is restricted till 10am. So let me ask this question. Does the government need to impose a day for us to clean our homes and surroundings.Before now, i used to rain abuses on the government saying we don't have drainage and that's why everywhere is dirty. But most times, we are the cause of our woes.   Your don't want to see Lagos roads during rainy seasons. You find out that people practically throw their dirt out when its raining saying that the rain will wash it away. ere is dirty. But most times, we are the cause of our woes. Not all things are to be left to the government alone. Our leaders have done their part to make the drainage. Whether they are good or not is another discussion. Here is how we can play our part:

1. Stop Throwing things Out Of the Car: Keep them in the car till you get to a place with a  trash can. Better still, keep them in the car .

2. Recycle The Waste Products:  Many waste products can be recycled instead of being disposed off in the dustbin especially bottles and cans. This initiative can be in partnership with the government . This will ultimately prevent any air pollution accumulated  on burning these products.

3. Grow Your Food Locally: Need I remind you that as of the time writing this piece, Dollar to a Naira is 400 while pounds go for 500. Importation business now is bad business. No offence though, Agriculture is staring at us in the face looking for whom to cling Planting of food locally helps in reducing the overall commercial transportation of food items that require pesticides and preservatives to preserve them.

4. Take Part In Sanitation: Most of us including myself  like to stand aloof on this one. Cleanliness is all our business not just LAWMA.

5. Use Public Trash Can: Use trash cans when not available, keep in your bag or pocket and dispose it when you find a trash can

Keeping our environment clean is a collective responsibility( govt & citizens). We are all in it together as  some people will say. You cannot be on the divide of the divide. Are you helping to keep it clean or helping to keep it dirty?


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