Wednesday 17 February 2016


I wanna start a new series on etiquette. The Please & Thank Yous. I remember growing up as a child playing the game go-fish. Let me explain the game a bit for some of us who don't understand. It is usually a game for 4-5 people.Each player gets five cards. If you are dealt a four of a kind, or get four of a kind during game play, those cards are removed from your hand, and you get a point.
Moving clockwise, players take turns asking a specific player for a given rank of card. If someone asks you for a rank that you have, the cards are taken from your hand. if you do not have any cards of that rank, your opponent must go fish, taking one new card from the pile of cards saying please or thank you.When it’s your turn, select a player you think might have a needed card. Pick one card from your hand of the desired rank. If the player has the desired card, he or she must pass it over. If not, you must go fish. If you get the card you asked for, you get to go again.If you run out of cards and there are still cards left, you get five free cards.Play continues until all hands are empty and there are no more cards to draw from. The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the game. It not like the game is a very strategic game in itself. Its just teaching you some certain etiquette. Also, remember the 10 lepers that Jesus healed in the Bible just one came back to say thank you and he was the only one whose healing was whole. Lets define what etiquette really man. The dictionary defines it as the code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group. I will be starting with work etiquette today. I will just list 10 because the list is actually inexhaustible:

1. Lead us a ear: This is so common a work place nowadays. People are trying to communicate with you but they are screaming at the top of their voices because they can't get to you. Bico if you have to listen to music or anything of sort, please give us one ear so we don't lose our voices.

2. Stop taking stuff in the fridge that is not yours: Really?! It really not that hard to ask for permission before taking anything from the fridge that is not yours.

3. Flush when you Use The Toilet: Am sure we do not do this at home so why do we do it work. In addition, wash your hands for about 30secs  and ensure they are dried. Try not to touch doors with your wet hands.Flushing is just a knob away.

4. Respect the Weekend: If whatever the question is can wait till Monday, do everyone a favour and save it for then .Except it is really important, please respect that space. Most times this is the only time people get to enjoy with family or friends.

5. Keep Speakerphone on the Low (If you must use it):  No one else really needs to hear your conversation. Keep conversations on the low. Better Still, step aside into a corner where you are all alone.

6. Keep Ringtones on the low too:  Am not saying this has to be on silent but at least we should not feel like we are at the disco just because your phone rang. Also, please use office friendly tones if you know what I mean.

7 Learn To Be In Time: Try not to be late but if it is unavoidable, please call or send a text ahead. This is just the polite thing to do.

8. There Is A Place For Gossip:  Save this for after work or lunch time. You dont want people feeling uncomfortable when you are whispering.

9.You Really Do Not Have To Copy Everyone:  Do copy every single person at the office if they don't actually need to be. This is the email equivalent of group texts. We all know how annoying those are

10. Use Office Time For Office Work:  Try as much as possible to do what you are employed for. Limit calls to family friends, save "gists" for later. Do not cheat your employer.