Thursday 18 February 2016


Manners and etiquette for children is ranked as the most important quality to nurture in the family home.Instilling good manners in some teens will feel like an almost impossible task. But don't despair, just keep at it.You will be surprised how much of your pushing and nagging about being well mannered stays with them.Good Manners are essential for every child's self confidence and success in life.So today I am talking about children etiquette.I believe in teaching children things from where they are young. People who steal today did not just start from today. Someone probably did not teach or correct them. So here are some i thought could be helpful.

1. If the door is closed, it is respectful and good manners to knock and wait for permission to enter

2. If you want to borrow something, don't just help yourself, always ask permission and make sure you
return whatever it is you borrow. Make sure you return it in the same or better condition

3. Never go looking through another person's private possessions without their permission, that is extremely bad mannered

4. I know it is very tempting to read your sister's diary and love letters, but restrain yourself, that is very private and you wouldn't like someone to do that to you

5. Your family's affairs are private and should be kept that way. If mum and dad have an argument or the business is not doing well, or your brother is not doing well at school, it has nothing to do with outsiders
However, if a family member is being abused in any way, that is different and someone in a position of authority should be told.

6. Another rule in the book of manners and etiquette for children is you should not expect anyone to clean up after you. Leave the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and TV room clean and tidy, don't leave your dirty dishes around the house.Your wet towels or dirty dishes are your responsibility. If you share a bedroom, then share the responsibility of keeping it clean and tidy.

7. We'll repeat, practicing the art of good manners and etiquette starts in the home, let your parental guidance follow through to school and the sports field.For example, if the children are playing a board game at home, the loser needs to learn to accept that in good grace.If on a sports field, they need to know it is good etiquette to thank the opposing team, shake hands and say, "Well done!"

8. Kids Telephone Etiquette - DO NOT underestimate what a strong favorable  impression your kid's good telephone manners can have on people phoning your home

9. Parents, at all times be aware of your own behavior, highlight acts of good manners and etiquette and of course good social behavior. Children learn easily from what you do rather than what you say.

10.If you send a thank you note to someone, mention it in front of the children: Say something like, 'I'm just sending a thank you note to Aunt Irene, she was so helpful running you children to school last week when I couldn't manage' - that way, showing appreciation is just a normal way to behave and not a lesson in manners and etiquette for children

These 'silent' lessons in manners and etiquette for children have more of a lasting impact when they are seen and experienced. So always strike while the iron is hot, so to speak

11. Try really hard not to embarrass anyone, what may seem humorous and teasing is often very embarrassing, just think how you would feel under the circumstances.

So don't use embarrassment as a lesson in manners and etiquette for children, just put yourself in their
position. Our children are the leaders of tomorrow. They are the next president, governor, senator etc. It is wise to instill the right values from when they are young so that when they are old, they will not depart from it.


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