Thursday 11 February 2016


"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care" Theodore Roosevelt. That being said, i want to take a look at empathy today. What does it mean to have empathy? Does it mean to say sorry to a person hurting? Does it mean learning to share your possession with absolute strangers? Lets look at what empathy means from the dictionary stand point. It means the experience of understanding another person;s condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. You will find that every where in the Bible where Jesus did a miracle, he was moved with compassion. He could put himself  in their shoes. Am sure he was mad that the Devil was harassing people all around. To be empathic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. Once you see beyond your own world, you'll realize that there's so much to discover and appreciate!To start using empathy effectively, lets consider the following:

1.Put Aside Your View Point: People naturally have the tendency to judge other quickly.. Hey! I am guilty of that too.You may realize later that they were just reacting to the situation at the level of knowledge they had. We all know how the conclude on others not minding to find out why they did what they did. Matthew 7:1 says Judge not so you will not be judged. The Bible also preaches  Remove the speck in your eye before you remove the speck in others. The amazing truth here is that if we were other people's shoes, we will be worse off. So why not try to be less judgmental and really care about their feelings. Always try to see the other person;'s shoes and think of being in their shoes.

2. Validate The Other Person's Perspective: Even if this means just muffling some hmms and ahhs or even saying okay. The person has a sense that you are not trying to judge but actually listening from your heart.

3. Examine Your Attitude: Action they say is louder than words. What is your body language saying, Is  your body language screaming "God forbid. A christian should not be involved in such" and your words are saying "i know what you mean". Have an Open mind.

4.Listen:  Even if you have a contrary opinion, Listen! Listen! Listen!. I once heard the reason God gave us two ears is to listen twice as much as we speak. Listen with your eyes, ears and above all your heart.

5. Ask What Jesus Will Do: As Christians, we should be imitators of God. Throughout Scriptures, Jesus laid this example when he opened blind eyes, made the dumb speak. The Bible says do not with hold good from anyone as long as it is in your capacity to do so. I Tim 5:8 also says But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel"
So, start with family members. Pay someones fees, pay for someone,s vacation, pray for the unsaved ones in your family and am sure if everyone can reach one, everyone can teach one.


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