Friday 12 February 2016


Bata Mi A Dun KoKo ka Bi Ba Ka We Mi (Translation-My shoes will make noise if i read my books). It is now i realise the meaning of that song. It just means if you are diligent, you will go places. As the Bible puts it, you will stand before kings and not mean men. It is sad to see that our values have entered reverse gear.As my practice is, lemme describe how the dictionary defines it. It is defined as the virtue of hard work,i.e constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Here are few of the ways i think you can be more diligent:

1. Remove Distractions: This is  the first step on the road to be coming diligent. Try and take out things that are not in connection with your focus or destiny. Spend less time on things that don't make matter.Wasting time hold you back from accomplishing your goals. For example, I have decided to use the time i spend in traffic( about 5 hours) to develop my self by reading and writing instead of being on all the social media in this

2. Make A List: Know what you want to accomplish. Be decisive. This may be hard but ensure you set goals for yourself maybe each month if the yearly one does not work too well for you. You may set goals for finance, personal, health etc. It really does not have to be anything extraordinary. I have one goal for my health this year, eat rice just twice a week.

3. Prioritize: People make the mistake of confusing priorities with importance. The fact that something is important does not mean its a priority. Learn to weigh and balance out accordingly.

4. Use Time Effectively: Time they say does not wait for anyone, neither is it anyone's friend. Use your time to do that that bring you closer to your Destiny. In the book Destiny by T.D Jakes, There is a chapter that says Time Flies Even when you are not having fun. Unfortunately, that is the truth. Use time wisely because once it is lost, you cannot regain it. Both the rich and the poor have the same 24hrs. Its what you do with it matters

5. Devote Yourself: Stick to your plan and seek motivation if need be. You may even decide to have mentors. Someone who may spur you to fix your eye on the goal

6. Be Realistic: Allow for the unexpected. Then re-prioritize if need be. We are humans and we fall sometimes. The only wrong here is stay stay down. Dust yourself and get back up.

7. Realise the value of Hardwork: Hardwork pays. I will say that again Hardwork pays. Let us consider Olajumoke the girl rose from bread seller to being sought after. Imagine if she decided not to go out to sell bread that day. The opportunity may not be regained ever.So, Know that hardwork will make you stand before kings and not mean men Prov 22:29

In conclusion, the Bible has told us to go and consider the ants and see how they work. Prov 6:6-8. Hardwork does not kill Infact, it elevates. Go the extra mile and continue with such virtue and it will make you stand before kings one day


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