Wednesday 3 February 2016


I think i am on level 210 on Candy Crush. YA! I am such an addict. lol. But that aside, i have learned 4 main things from playing the game. In case you dont play the game. Maybe just maybe you can start after am done with this piece. I may just not feel bad too playing the game afterall. Here are some life lessons i have learned

1 There Is An End
 Some people think that whatever they are going  through has no end. Well here is the good news. It has an End. The Bible says surely there is an end. It does not matter if you cannot see the end now. Let me describe the candy crush game a bit so maybe you will understand. Each episode has about 10 levels. This means you will play ten levels before you get to the next episode. In the mean time, you can only see the number of levels you are required to play before you get to the next episode by either playing quests or asking friends to give you lives. What exactly is my point here. Sometimes, God does not give you the full picture.It comes in phases. I am reading the book Destiny by T.D Jakes. He said and i quote If you understanding the beginning well, the end will not trouble you-b Ashanti Proverb

2 Dont give up too soon
I can particularly say this about myself. Once i see that the number of moves i am expected to make to finish a task is almost done, i end the game and restart.i give up too soon. But i later realised the times when i just hold on,i always end up winning the game.No matter what you are going through, just hold on and hold out. God has promised us that when we go through the fire it will not hurt us. Neither NEVER GIVE UP TOO SOON. JUST HOLD UP

3 Concentrate On The Goal
the task here is to clear all the jelly
In playing Candy Crush I always get distracted a lot. Most times, i end up leaving the task to make me win and start doing something else that i feel is more interesting. like using chocolate to blast the whole colours(by the way thats my best part). Distraction is always the reason for failure in life sometimes. Jesus said, my meat is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. John 4:34. Also Hebrews 12: 2 says  "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Fix your eyes on your goal. Focus on  it and forget whatever people say about you. Let me resound the words in this popular quote "what others are saying about you is not your business" 

4 The Waiting Period
this is where you have to wait for almost a whole day to play the next quest
Just like i described earlier, you have ten levels to play before you get to the next episode. In getting to the next episode, you either play quests(4 games in a row) or ask friends to give you lives via facebook. I call  the "play quest" trials to the next level. For those of us who play Candy Crush well, You can only play one quest per day unless you know the cheat like me ...hehehe (dont even ask me...aint spilling). You always have to wait 24hours before you play another one. This tells me patience. This life requires a lot of patience- your spouse, commuters on the road, colleagues at work. There may be a period when it seems like nothing is happening. Isaiah  40:31 says "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint".
Just wait on him and he will show up for you. In the words of popular songwriter Sinach "he is not a late God.



  1. Thanks preacher girl. We all need such reminder from time to time. God bless you.

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