Thursday 4 February 2016


Today, I am continuing my series on Values. I have an interesting one that has close ties with honesty. Most people think of integrity as being the same thing as honesty. Is the person telling the truth, can they be trusted etc. But if you think of integrity as consistency, where your actions, values, thoughts, and feelings all line up would you consider yourself to have integrity? What really is integrity? the dictionary defines is as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Integrity is important for politicians and even everyone at that because they are chosen, appointed, or elected to serve society. In order to be able to serve, politicians are given power in their positions to make, execute, or control policy. They have the power to influence something or someone. There is, however, a risk that this power will not be used by politicians to serve society. Aristotle said that because rulers have power they will be tempted to use it for personal gain.It is important that politicians withstand this temptation, and that requires integrity.In the book The Servant of the People, Muel Kaptein describes that integrity starts with that politicians should know what their position entails, because integrity is related to their position.

Let us take the example of Nigeria for Instance, Our leaders tend to misuse the small power they have to do and undo. People go into politics with the mindset of stealing. Going into politics in Nigeria is not about servant leadership for them. It is to Chop and clean mouth" It is high time we started correcting this ill. The saddest part is that our children these days are beginning to go that route.Ah! i weep for Nigeria. Where are we going to in this country. How long with this continue? The good news is that this can and will get better. I believe if we keep speaking out through whatever medium and most importantly teach our young ones the right things. I am optimistic for a brighter future. "The Bible says let your yes be yes and your no be no" Matt 5:37, James 5:12b. Let people be able to beat their chest and vouch for you and say No Damilola cannot do or say that. I trust her.

Here are some ways to build Integrity:
1. Seek wise counsel. We all have blind spots. It’s one thing to be honest with yourself, but sometimes you and I are just blind to faults others can see. Find three or four people who believe in you and ask them for feedback on your life. Be ready to take such corrections and move on. He who works with the wise will be wise. Heb 12:6, Job 5:17

2. Decide to honour God, not please people. Doing the right thing is almost never the easy thing, and sometimes it’s not the popular thing. Honoring God is not the same as believing you are always right and everyone else is wrong – it simply means you are going to live with a long view of what to do, informed by scripture. It means enduring short term pain for longer term gain.

3. Be appropriately transparent. We’d all like to be something we’re not. Admit your shortcomings. You don’t have to tell everyone what you’re struggling with, but you need to tell someone. Part of being honest with yourself is being honest with others. And as much as you might be afraid that everyone will think less of you, living transparently and not pretending to be someone you aren’t actually makes people think more of you.

4. Put yourself first when it comes to personal growth. I know that sounds selfish, even unbibilical, but I’m not sure it is. Jesus prepared for thirty years before ministering for three. And during those three years he often disappeared to pray. You can only give what you’ve got. And he spent whole seasons of his life receiving from God what he needed to give to the world. Cancel some appointments. Tell the kids to wait. You need to build a solid spiritual, emotional and relational foundation for your life. Pray. Open the Bible (for you – not for anyone else pastors). Go for a run. Eat something healthy. Go for dinner with a friend who gives you life. If your cup is empty, how are you going to fill anyone else’s?


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